Take Advantage of CA Rebates, Credits, and Other Incentives + 3-5x Better Efficiency
We at Exact are always looking for the most innovative and earth-friendly solutions, so we are proud to be a participating service provider for the many initiatives the state of California has launched around the de-carbonization of homes. We're here to help you take advantage of all applicable incentives - whether single-family, multi-family, or commercial - to protect your investment and save money in the long run.
What You Need to Know.
The latest program is multi-level and ever-changing so it is important that you partner with a contractor who can provide you the best solution for your situation. For example: to take the best advantage of incentives, heat pump water heaters must be programmed to shift energy usage outside of peak hours. That sounds scary – but given the capabilities of the new heat pumps, you may not even notice the difference. Check out this downloadable flyer on Demand Response & Time-of-Use Rates.

What is TECH Clean California?
TECH Clean is a California state-level initiative to accelerate the adoption of clean water heating and home heating and cooling. To reach the goal of carbon-free homes by 2045, the state is incentivizing service providers to install six million heat pumps by 2030. Learn more here.

What is The Switch Is On?
This site -- from which you're probably getting emails -- is the hub of information for homeowners and renters on how to take advantage of the nationwide incentives for electrifying your home: to upgrade from appliances powered by fossil fuels to modern, efficient, all-electric appliances. The goal here is to reduce the pollution from buildings for a cleaner and healthier way of powering your life. Learn more here.
The Big Picture: Efficiency & Value
If you’re looking for (Exact’s signature) Lasting Value, this is it. Getting into this program provides you deep rebates for the upfront cost – and with 3-5x the efficiency of electric appliances over their gas counterparts -- you’ve recouped your investment quickly – all while adding value to your home. You’ve contributed to lower greenhouse gas emissions and improved indoor air pollution and safety for your family.
Contact Exact now to plan your path for electrifying and getting the most out of the rebates, credits, and other incentives. You’ll be contributing to a cleaner atmosphere and adding value to your home.